Malins Marine Service Co., Ltd.
Malins Marine Service Co., Ltd.


Malins Marine minangka produsen profesional lan supplier ing China. Pabrik kita nyedhiyakake Nsr Nvx-1000 Navtex Receiver, Sailor 6280 Ais, Jrc Jhs-183 Ais, etc. Yen sampeyan kasengsem ing produk kita, sampeyan bisa takon saiki!
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Telpon Zenitel P-5111H kanggo Headset

Telpon Zenitel P-5111H kanggo Headset

Nomer Kode : 4000016759
Zenitel P-5111H Telephone for Headset yaiku telpon analog kedap banyu sing dipasang ing meja utawa tembok kanggo lingkungan industri lan mbukak.
Zenitel P-5111 Desk Mount Telephone

Zenitel P-5111 Desk Mount Telephone

Nomer Kode : 4000016715
Zenitel P-5111 Desk Mount Telephone yaiku telpon analog kedap banyu sing dipasang ing meja utawa tembok kanggo lingkungan industri lan sing mbukak.
Unit Relay Saluran Telpon Zenitel P-5000

Unit Relay Saluran Telpon Zenitel P-5000

Nomer Kode : 4000017568
Unit relay saluran telpon Zenitel P-5000 digunakake kanggo saluran telpon POTS/FXS analog.
Unit Tagihan Zenitel P-6202

Unit Tagihan Zenitel P-6202

Nomer Kode : 4000019327
Unit Tagihan Zenitel P-6202 minangka tambahan kanggo sistem Phontech 6200 sing ngidini logging rekaman telpon lan tagihan telpon eksternal lan internal ing sistem kasebut.
Unit PA Darurat Zenitel P-6216

Unit PA Darurat Zenitel P-6216

Nomer Kode : 400010040
Unit PA Darurat Zenitel P-6216 digunakake bebarengan karo sistem MPA 1600 uga bagean PA saka interkom PA sistem ICS 6200.
Zenitel P-7210 Desktop/Wall VoIP Telephone

Zenitel P-7210 Desktop/Wall VoIP Telephone

Nomer Kode : 400020000
Zenitel P-7210 Desktop/Wall VoIP Telephone yaiku unit akomodasi njero ruangan, biasane digunakake ing kabin, kantor, lsp.
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